“In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to feel it.” Mitch albom

Hehe heyyy! Welcome to another post:) Today, I wanted to touch on something that you may not have yet realized. I certainly did not, until I dug deep down and took a grasp of reality. Relating to the quote above, there was a long period of my lifetime in which I would bury my true feelings towards something. If someone were to tell me that it was wrong to feel the way I did, and that my “Perception” was false, I would go along with what they said, ignoring my personal thoughts.
My mental strength has never been in tip top shape, for my opinions and beliefs sometimes shifted according to what others told me. However, more now than ever, I have learned to tap into what my body tells me. I, for most of my life, would let anyone and everyone make me think a certain way, just to get along with them; this had been happening for so long, that when I did fully open up about what I had felt, it seemed “Dramatic” or “Did not make sense”. I had been dismissing myself for the longest time, and honestly had been lying to both myself and others.
It really started when I surrounded myself with people who made me feel a certain way about myself, those who were resonating positive energy, support, and encouragement. As I get older, I have taken pride in my mental growth. Though some see it, and others do not, I MYSELF know the effects of the energy I was around. I take into account the smiles, the laughs, the confidence boosts, the low anxiety, and I observe this compared to my feelings in other environments.
At first, I buried my feelings of hurt, telling myself that THEY were right about HOW I should feel. They were who I surrounded myself with for the longest, so it must be alright if they are telling me that it is. I learned something about myself through this, though, and I concluded that ONLY I can determine and truly know the way I feel. My feelings may be a perception from what has happened, however, I can truthfully say that I have grown in mental strength by realizing what makes me happy, and what does not.
Though many will try and break you down, mold you into what they wanted you to originally be, use your old self against you, you MUST stand strong in who you are. Your consciousness is not just some lie, fibbing up a storm as to what you should say or do; when you feel a certain way, something MUST have happened to create such feelings. SOMETHING made you feel as if your worth was lower than it is. These feelings do not come out of nowhere. Today, keep in mind to be strong in your gut feelings. When you feel something, say it. Instead of concealing your thoughts and feelings, open up about what made you feel that way. YOU are the only one who TRULY knows what you have been through, what you feel and think, and who makes you the happiest. Thanks for reading, and I’ll check back in with you this Wednesday:)