“A yawn is a silent scream for coffee.”

Hehe heyyy! Welcome to another post! Thanks for coming to read:) Today’s topic is one of my favorite things in the whole entire world. This is about to be a little obsessive haha. Though I have definitely cut down on my caffeine intake, coffee is a toughie to stop drinking. If you’re wondering why I’m trying to cut down, FIRST OFF-it stains my teeth. Awfully. It also tends to have too much caffeine. This would not be an issue if my personality was more toned down. It honestly increases my anxiety, and my jitters from it are OUT THE ROOF. My coffee addiction started pretty early, actually, when I was around 10 years old.
My parents, ever since I was little, had this really old coffee maker. I would absolutely LOVE the smell. Every time they would make it, I’d ask for some! They would persist and say no over and over again, until my dad’s mom offered me some. Mind you, my cup of coffee is 25 percent creamer and 75 percent coffee. She poured in some classic French Vanilla creamer, then poured the coffee. I remember being SO excited to try it.
My dad’s mom had this cute outside set up, humming bird feeders being hung around every corner; she would sit outside and watch them with her warm cup in hand. That morning during our visit, she gave my sister and I both hot, steaming cups of coffee. It smelled sooooo amazing, and I remember burning the tip of my tongue simply because I could NOT wait to try it. There was just something about the warmth, the feeling of the mug heating up your once freezing hands, as you wrap them around your mug.
I felt almost like an adult, a sophisticated young woman haha! I felt like I was a part of the adults, because I was that kid who actually liked coffee. Though I deny it over and over, I do not enjoy plain coffee. I do not. However, if you flavor it to enhance the taste, I will drink as much as I can haha! It went from enjoying a hot cup of coffee as a 10 year old, to being ADDICTED to Starbucks iced Caramel Macchiatos. If I was able to, I would intake 3 or 4 coffees a day. I was very, very reliant on the caffeine aspect as well, thinking that the coffee was in charge of making my day better.
I then became obsessed with the trendiness of the drinks I had, taking picture after picture and posting it. I would make sure my bracelets looked good enough to pair with the color of the coffee I had in hand…yes. I was obsessed. Overly obsessed. I probably have around 100 pictures of Starbucks coffee and me holding it all cute. I would start every single morning off with the urge for some type of caffeine, being totally reliant on it everyday. If you know me personally, you would know that “Hanging out” meant getting coffee first. Every single time I would go out, I felt like (and still do) I needed a drink of some sort in my hand.
It was not until recently that I have been more focused on the side effects of my addiction. I already have a lot of attention span issues, anxiety, and jitters as it is haha. But the levels of caffeine that I had just made it so much worse. Thankfully, my boyfriend being the nutrition genius he is, pointed out to me that I really do not need the insane levels of coffee day by day to be energized. Now, I have tried to not have any at all:((( I actually have been doing GREAT on not having any! I shifted more into green tea and matcha with oat milk!
In other words, my coffee addiction still bothers me a lot, just because I was so used to relying on it for caffeine. It also tasted so fab haha! I have realized that really, my personality is enough, and is PLENTY! I have found different things to give my day a boost of hype, and a few all natural energizers like sleep and yoga bahaha. This is my history of coffee, and it is a LONG one! Thankfully, I had JT to contribute to the cause ha! I think I’ll definitely try to shift more into cucumber water and matcha overall. Anywho, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed reading! I’ll check back in with you guys on Monday:)