“I don’t knowww I just feel like if I do something that makes me feel cute, I’ll feel better prepared.”

Hehe heyyy! Thanks for comin’ to read:) Today’s post is honestly pretty relatable if you have struggles in finding motivation in being productive-DON’T LIE! We all do sometimes. As I have said in past weekly posts, it is those little things that can make a difference in your daily routine. Today I’m gonna let you in on some tips that I am sure to do before starting up on any work for the day!
First of all, sitting in a room that is a MESS is not a fab idea. When you surround yourself with good energy and a clean environment, is is much easier to complete quality work. I know that personally, especially when picking out outfits for the day, my room gets SUPER messy and pretty unorganized. Your room can really reflect on how you’re feeling internally, believe it or not! I find that when I am stressed and mentally exhausted, my room looks like towers on towers of random clothes in the floor, around seven empty Starbucks cups laying around, and a few spiders up in my windows bahaha. In saying this, cleaning my room before I do anything in it is always vital in preparation for the day.
Another important part of getting myself prepared for the day, includes putting on something presentable, or function-able. LET’S BE REAL. If you’re laying in bed, in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, unbrushed teeth, and natty hair, you are most likely not going to want to get on the computer and accomplish what you need to. Sometimes I’ll sit in my PJ’s to do some writing in the morning… and I can NOT focus. I feel like a couch potato honestly. What I have done to improve the productivity of my everyday routine, is to get myself a little ready. This does NOT mean putting on some boujee outfit, mind you haha.
What I usually do, is I will brush my teeth, do some skincare, and put on some type of gym outfit. You can put on anything that makes you feel up and ready for the day, but when I snag a gym fit and wear it throughout the day-I feel very prepared for everything:) Starting is always the hardest part, getting into it. Being motivated. These few things make a big difference in my day, and they can make one in yours, too!
To sum things up for today, it really IS those little things that can prompt your day. I feel so much better after getting up the right way, surrounding myself with a positive environment, and doing a little something with myself to get prepared. When I sit in potato clothes (potato meaning pj’s), I feel like snoozing, watching YouTube, or wasting my time on Instagram. When giving myself that extra time in the morning to prioritize MY needs, then I am ultimately better suited for whatever is upcoming in my day:) Thanks so much for reading, and I’ll catch up with you at 10:30 this Friday!