"For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake..." Philippians 1:29

Mostly everything we want to see lays right before our eyes.
It's true! I am fully able to simply open the "Google" app on my phone, and I will search up anything and everything I'm curious about. After I hit that search button, suddenly 3 million results pop up within the span of 1.5 seconds, if not less. Easy as that. Many of us, especially in the era we are in, are provided with so much easy-access information. This, though helpful in a lot of cases, can be a huge barrier for those who have closed their minds and hearts off from Christ. We are surrounded by a plethora of media and data that can suggest facts that are not true. Some of this media can even make us question our Faith, developing doubt in Christ.
Learning from experience, this is a common, recurring issue in so many today. Recently, I watched this show on Netflix called, "Midnight Mass". This was not a series for the faint-hearted, because its storyline was quite violent and gruesome. However, after finishing the series, I was honestly left with a lot of questions. One of the characters in the series expressed their views, mind you, in a very in-depth, explanatory way; this dialogue and the way it was portrayed posed a lot of doubt and question in Christianity, as a whole, ultimately leaving me a little confused, frankly. Feeling ashamed of my uneasiness on the topic, I tried to figure out why I was questioning Faith that had been in my life ever since I was saved by the Lord at age 12.
I slept on it that night, and I prayed and prayed to get closure on my doubt, because at that point I was itching with shame and embarrassment of even questioning there was a Heavenly Father. I even had hesitation about opening up and writing to you about this, but the issue is a lot more abundant than I had once thought. God spoke to me that night, and after he received my cry for reassurance, laid his hands on my heart, aiding with relief. When I woke up that morning, I stood up and thought extremely clearly and with absolutely no doubt in my mind that I had an unfailing, forgiving father watching over me at all points.
An EXTREMELY important realization that solidified my Faith in God, is that something bigger than life, something so flawless and perfect, something as Holy as our God, is NOT going to reveal itself as easily as the other information we have such easy access to in our day to day lives. In a Faith so strong, so forgiving and purifying, seeing is not believing. Christ is a foundation that is built between you (ONLY YOU) and God. It cannot be determined by the Internet, peers, or truly anyone but the Lord and yourself. The Lord put this on my heart, knowing that I needed to realize he is SO MUCH bigger than a TV Show on Netflix, Instagram, Snapchat, Google, or anything that provides plain sight access to the world. He is worth so much more than a google search, and most definitely reveals himself in ways that those with Faith can see.
I see God in the morning, when the sun rises and creates a scene beautiful enough to be painted and taken in millions of pictures. I see God when I'm faced with the toughest of challenges, ones that make my brain strain and my heart severely ache; I know that my God is present in all things good, and there for me in all things bad. Only he could create such beauty on this Earth, and only he can give me the strength I need in situations I previously would deem impossible.
A challenge I pose on each of you in tonight's post, is to walk undoubtedly in Christ. Any question that may arise regarding your trust in him, is a question that can be easily withered away by taking a step back and making that realization, just as I have, to remain steady in your foundation. For God's undying, never ending love is present in anything you do, wherever you are, and will never fail. With that being said, I hope you go into this upcoming week with this in mind; Do not let endless piles of media and outside factors break your foundation in your Faith! I hope you all have a very blessed week, and I cannot wait to meet with you again next Friday! :)