“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6-7

Hehe heyyy:) Welcome back to another blog post! I know that I have not posted in a bit, but the posting schedule has changed-Mondays are motivational and Fridays are faithful! These two days will be when I release my posts from now on, and I enjoy writing these the most:) Today’s topic has been a big, recurring issue throughout my life; it has taken so much journaling, venting, and even blocking it out to get rid of my anxiety. Nail biting, lip picking, leg shaking, and all these self-destructive behaviors are what you can see when my anxiety is really racking up.
The verse reads, “Do not be anxious about anything…” This expresses that worrying and fixating on one specific thing in your life is NOT going to change what is going to happen. I often find myself losing sleep and overall track of time worrying about something small and irrelevant. Never has my mind been free of anxiety, truly, and it seems to spread itself the more and more I let it carry on. More recently, I have been looking into scripture, praying, and journaling my everyday concerns and worries. This has helped to relieve the anxious thoughts that take control.
The verse then proceeds to claim, “…but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” In saying this, the verse requests confiding and explaining your worries and anxious thoughts to him, rather than couping them up inside. I used to hide everything from the world, concealing all my fears and anxiety. I portrayed myself to be this happy, go-lucky girl, stress-free and perfect. However, if you find that maybe a person is outwardly happy and outgoing, they still may have underlying issues you do not know about. Personally, I was embarrassed that I felt awkward and weird in some situations, simply because I was afraid of what people would think or say about me.
I remember when I moved to a new school in eighth grade, and I chose to sit by myself walking into the gym in the morning because I did not want to put myself into a position where others might judge me. Eventually, I would open my personality up a little, and everything seemed to be okay. But, really on the inside I would still wonder and think that people were upset with me, mad at me, hated me, etc. Like I said before, my brain was never free. In saying that, though, finding comfort in expressing these issues with God has helped significantly. Whether it be in the grocery store, before a big test comes up, or any time of my life, I will talk to him and ask for strength and ask for him to relieve my anxiety. I talk to him about these things probably around 100 times a day haha, just putting all my worry on him.
The verse implies that when you are feeling low, feeling stressed, feeling anxious, you can instead release supplication with Thanksgiving and prayer towards him, lightening the weight on your chest you may carry. There is not one day that I don’t speak to him, and the feeling I receive after is a relief. Deep down I know that he can carry the weight of my sins, but also the weight of my worries, too. Coping with your stress and anxiety can be increasingly challenging the more you think about it. Today, I challenge you all to lay your worries upon him, instead of letting them eat you up. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read, and I hope you got something out of it! I’ll check back in with you all next Monday:)