"But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear." Isaiah 59:2

Hehe heyyy! Welcome back to another post! I'm so glad you're here. Today's objective truly stuck out to me, because of recent events in my life that brought this thought into my head clearly. Have you ever seen a video or attended a sermon in church in which the speaker forced an idea upon you, with no regards to the possibility of others having an independent, personal value that did not reside to that of the speaker's? Have you been previously cornered into thinking, acting, and generally believing something that was not necessarily up to you to form your own opinion or perspective on?
Today I stumbled upon a post on TikTok (I rarely slide to the "For You page, but I followed a speaker who seemed trustworthy), and she was forcing an idea on the audience, claiming in every way that we would automatically go to Hell for participating in a certain touchy matter. To me, this was quite offensive, not that I participated in the activity, but that I believed differently, and she was not at all open to the possibility of a counterargument. This event happened today, but it is so common for me to experience such close-minded people, pinning their beliefs and values on their audience. I am ALL for expressing your faith in a passionate, loving way to the public. In fact, I encourage it! I embrace it! The word of God is so important for us, as Christians, to spread to those who may have neglected it or unknowing of it.
It is our duty as followers of Christ to create a rise of faith in other's hearts and minds, opening them up to a possible new value they can call their own. I am all for that. 110 percent, no questions asked.
When we start opening ourselves up into the relationship of God and individual people, we are overstepping BIG TIME. It is super, SUPER important to be loving and accepting of others who may have different perspectives or beliefs about the way we live our lives, walking with Christ. Our personal relationship with God is vital to our progression and growth as Christians. Labeling, stereotyping, and simply assuming others for their morals and beliefs is not the behavior of a loving, God-mirroring follower of Christ. It's just not!
In regards to the image I have chosen for the post today, my Fiancé and I JUST got engaged. It was a very beautiful, heart melting experience that I will cherish forever. Residing with this event, something that he and I have always stuck with is independence and having your own opinions, morals, and values and sticking to them, even when one of us may think differently on certain topics. I can easily say that my relationship with God is the strongest one I have, and my fiancé and I are both extremely steady in our faith. We have made the decision, as a couple centered around Christ, to act more on a personal level with worship, so that we can determine what God wants for each of us. We do not attend church, but are active in walking with God on a daily basis, modeling a good Christian relationship.
To sum things up, I am proud to say that I have a trusting, loving, and open hearted relationship with God. I want you all to think about the following statement for your upcoming week: Your personal, individual relationship with the Lord is the utmost of importance in your walk with Christ. YOU determine what you take from speakers. YOU determine what God is saying to you, and when you realize that, you will be a much more balanced person. I hope you all have a very blessed weekend, and will catch up with you next Friday!!! Thanks for reading:)