“The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you.” Joel Osteen

Hehe heyyy! Welcome to another post:) Thanks for coming to read hehe! I hope you all had a VERY MERRY Christmas & fabulous weekend! Today’s topic relates to the holiday, for 2022 is zoning in on us; last year I prepped and planned and organized, and put all of my plans out in writing. Though I had very good intentions, the year did not execute itself in the way I had previously planned for:( I believe the planners and the cleaning is one thing, and it is healthy to do when starting fresh! HOWEVER, actions speak louder than words, and good habits do not create themselves!
Last New Year’s I was completely motivated and driven to achieve my goals and what I wanted to improve upon. The next morning,though, you could find me sleeping in-putting my wants and comfort before my needs and priorities. It was very difficult to get myself going, and honestly my goals and plans did not carry out UNTIL I started DOING rather than SAYING. You can talk all you like about the new year and about the good habits you’d like to start; but, putting them all in motion will be the deciding factor as to how and when you reach your goals.
Often times around New Year’s you can hear a lot of people saying, “New Year, New me!” But this just is not the case. I plan on keeping my upbeat, youthful, and bubbly personality-and throwing out the immaturity, the lack of responsibility, and the negativity. I am still being myself, but changing up my day and implementing good habits in general. Some common goals for others can include losing weight, drinking more water, getting more familiar with their faith, waking up earlier, etc. All of these are GREAT! But, if you do not plan on executing the habits you need in order to accomplish these goals, then you’ll find yourself setting false expectations.
Some goals that I have include being more consistent working out, getting more involved in community service, drinking a LOT more water, eating cleaner foods, being more active in my planners, and so much more. This year, I am blessed to have met JT, my boyfriend, who has already helped BIG with achieving my goals. For daily motivation, health needs, weight loss tips, ANYTHING you may be curious about when it comes to self improvement, DM and follow his Instagram! It’ll be at the bottom:) A few ways I plan on reaching these goals are alarms for reminders, revisiting my planner at least 5 times a day, and keeping a driven and dedicated mindset!
Saying you are going to be so much better, saying you are going to change up bad habits, and SAYING that you are going to reach your goals is only a small part of your journey. Executing and performing everyday, unfailing, will get you where you need to be. DOING rather than saying will prompt you for a much better result. Today, I challenge you to create at least 10 goals that are realistic for you to conquer. Ask yourself, “Am I willing to break bad habits? Am I up for a challenge?” If so, get to planning, and I hope this upcoming year looks up for you! Thank you all so much for reading, and I’ll check back in with you guys on Wednesday!
JT’s Fitness Instagram: @Jtgotthatsixpack