“Writing to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.” Isaac asimov

Hehe heyyy! Welcome to another post:) Thanks for coming to read! Today’s topic relates to the way you express yourself, whether it be through writing, singing, dancing, etc. When it comes to self expression, really it depends on what you can do the most efficiently and what is most enjoyable to express yourself with. Personally, writing out everything I’m thinking and feeling is my therapy haha. I have a few journals for different things, but in general everything’s in writing.
Every single thought or feeling, whether it is good or bad, usually I’ll record it in my journals. Personally, I enjoy the personal aspect of it. I will only choose to share whatever is inside them, with those who I am closest with. Those who truly understand me, those who will read with an open mind and an open heart, I will present them to them in an attempt to let them inside my personal thoughts. Journalism and writing both are my personal therapy sources. When I am having mental battles, sticky situations, and or moments in which I am at a crossroads of what decision to make, I will write it out.
Writing anything and everything down has been known to achieve better understanding than digitally typing in thoughts and feelings. I’ll be sure to put my own spin on each writing or journal entry I record. I am sure to make the process enjoyable, and I like to implement dark, smooth marks and designs bordering the pages and letters. More now than ever, I have made a point to write, whatever it be about, on the daily to refresh my thoughts. It helps to prioritize any emotional concerns I may have, ultimately forcing me to review and write to myself about decisions I need to make.
Not only does journaling improve my recognition of daily issues, it helps pinpoint certain triggers that cause the feelings and emotions I may have that day. If I am writing notes addressing someone, I write to them using the tone and diction that I would truly speak with in person. What makes writing so personal and so raw for me, is the privacy aspect of it. When I write, I know that it is a piece of me. I know that my thoughts and feelings are really a reflection of how others have treated me, what I have gone through, and how my past has effected me. Unless I CHOOSE to really present them to anyone and everyone, I conceal them.
If someone were to read my journals, without my consent especially, I would conclude that the respect of privacy is not present. Journals, for most people actually, are not meant for the public eye. If someone so chooses to invade my head space, invade that aspect of my life, I will rightfully feel betrayed, and untrusting of them. Journaling has always been a large part of my life, and it means a lot to me. It has helped me grow in so many ways, and come to terms with everyday issues and solutions to them.
Honestly, journalism and writing is my forte’. This is my one outlet for stress, along with fitness, unclouding my judgement and mindset. When I write, I am expressing myself in the utmost personal form. If you, or anyone you know has a journal, I doubt you would respect someone who deliberately reads it, knowing it is private. Even if you have nothing to hide, it is a piece of your heart and mind. This is how I view journaling habits, and I take pride in the consistency and quality of my journals. Thanks so much for coming to read, and I’ll check back in with you this Friday!