“Micah is this yours? I think you spelled your name backwards.”

See the cutems with the blue croc shoes & the drippy yellow dress? That’s me hahah.
Hehe Heyyy! If the quote above confuses you, let me explain ahaha. Those who have known me most of my life would absolutely agree that my interests and habits have REALLY changed over time. I know a lot of people who find me pretty weird as it is haha, but only if you all knew me during middle school & as a teeny tot. I had some very, very random habits. Relating to up top^^ I used to spell my name completely backwards in kindergarten, leaving many confused haha. Let’s just say, I was a very unique kid.
To get things started, let me just say I have a new obsession with a new animal every six months or so. Right now it’s seals, but it has gone from snails to pigs to caterpillars haha. Not only did I love the animals themselves, but I would ALWAYS put a little doodle next to my name at the top of every paper. I would doodle a piggy or some random snail with a mustache. This is just one of my many quirks I had. There were probably 3 new weird things I found myself doing every week.
Elaborating more on my teeny tot times, I was more cute than weird haha. We had these hollow desks, so you could put your books and pencil pouches in them-I did not- but that is what it was MEANT for. I would write notes for people who I knew sat at that desk in the next class, I would leave a couple quarters in it for that person to buy candy at the concession stand, etc. I was obsessed with the fact that someone could sit down, only to find a cute, kind note from me bahaha.
You could honestly probably find me looking for bugs or caterpillars mostly at recess. Finding these cute creatures and or looking around for an empty swing was my hype of the playground ha! I was the best at swinging, if I do say so myself. Sometimes when it was colder, we would have to stay inside and participate in “Nap Time”. We were all instructed to bring a blanket or towel to lay on during this. PERSONALLY, I hated it. I could not sit still. It was a very salty time of my life ahaha. I wanted so badly to go outside or do something, and I would be that one tot ranting and raving that got the red light.
THE RED LIGHTS good gravy. This was like the equivalent of being punched in the face. I never got in trouble for being rude or sassy or anything like that, but I LOVED to talk (still do). I remember the last time I got one I literally cried these huge phat crocodile tears, begging the teacher to move me back a space. I just could not keep my mouth shut for the life of me, and did not understand why this was an issue bahaha:)
I should have absolutely taken advantage of this time in my life, when happiness relied on the amount of coloring, playtime, or twizzlers I received on the daily. Now, I am focused on having enough money, my health, my mentality, etc. BIG things. I was a pretty cute kid, but I was anything but normal ha! To sum things up, I was not your average teeny tot. Thank you so much for joining in on gettin’ to know my past more & reading along! I’ll check back in with you Monday morning:)))