“I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite!” Buddy the elf from the film “Elf”

Hehe heyyy! Thanks for coming to read another post of mine:) Today I will tell you about my obsession with the movie Elf. This is a little random haha, but I have recognized my similarities in personality with this film since it came out! Mind you, I am a tad more aware of my surroundings, but you could probably find me being that one annoying person who walks in the middle of the street unknowingly eek. I am proud to say I have NOT stopped and eaten someone else’s gum on the street, though, ahah!
If you’ve seen this festive film, you know that Buddy is constantly doing SOMETHING. Eating. Singing. Dancing. Doodling. Decorating. I myself have an issue with not sitting still for the life of me. If I’m watching a movie (if I finish it), it is a miracle if I end up staying for longer than ten minutes! I MUST fidget with something at all times. Even while I eat, I feel the need to get up and walk around or dance. My attention span is honestly all over the place.
Another thing I have in common with Buddy, would have to be his overall gullible tendencies. I have a big problem with believing almost everything I hear. I’ve gotten a lot better, but if Google pleads it’s right, a lot of times I will go along with it. Sarcasm and joking around can get confusing for me haha-I remember once my boyfriend, JT, had taken me to the gym and I completely dropped the barbell on the squatting rack. When we got home, he was joking around and said that we got “Banned from the Gym” and “Could not come back because of what happened”. I ABSOLUTELY believed him, and proceeded to have a baby panic attack inside ahaha.
Those who know me personally, know I have a PHAT interest in hugging and cuddling. Like Buddy, I had an incident with a feisty animal haha. When I was in second grade, we went to this bird farm; it had so many cute n’ foofy creatures. Of all of them, I was the most intrigued with the rooster roaming around. He looked so big and cuddly (for some reason), and I just HAD to hug it. I proceeded to run towards it with open arms, only to meet the clawing and the pecking and the flapping! It attacked me, scratching up my legs pretty bad! I was later sent home to be medically attended bahaha.
Though I have not been known to travel across Twirly Whirly Gumdrops, or a Candy Cane forest, Buddy the Elf and I are very much alike. He has this spunky, fun energy that in the end, people cannot deny is infectious and bright. He is giving and caring, and he never fails to let people know they are loved! This movie has always been my favorite hehe. I am so happy to say that he is DEFINITELY my Christmas Clone. Thanks so much for coming and reading, and I’ll check in with you this Friday:)