“Don’t let your spirit rush to be angry, for anger abides in the heart of fools.” Ecclesiastes 7:9

Hehe heyyy! Welcome back to another post:) Today’s topic has been a focus of mine for this week, especially. Everyone has had that one moment where someone or something made you SO ANGRY that you just wanted to scream into your pillow, yell at somebody, and honestly take it out in an unproductive way. We’ve all been there, and it is hard to let go of anger when our emotions are so strong. I, personally, have always let my emotions get the best of me in situations that make me upset; however, through my past experiences and frustrations, my anger crying sessions have never quite done it for me haha! Instead of letting anger simmer, breathe, think, and ask yourself, “Will this really matter in the long run? Was it really that big of a deal? What good will having a tantrum do for me?”
Though many situations can leave you questioning God as to WHY they happen, he has this big, BEAUTIFUL plan for you. It may not be what you thought you wanted, but his plan is great. I have learned that taking emotion and running with it never leads to anything good. Now, I like to either write, workout, or vent to someone I trust. Healthy anger management is very important, and sometimes more than others, we need it! Whatever calms you down or distracts you, use that to express emotions that can weigh heavy and be overpowering!
The beginning of the verse reads, “Don’t let your spirit rush to be angry…” This relates back to how we manage situations when they come. Immediately when obstacles stand in your way, dealing with them in a positive, productive light, is the best solution. Sometimes I get SO frustrated, and I question why things are the way they are. God is festering up an amazing plan, greater than I have imagined, though, and I must have faith in that. There is an infinite number of questions I have, but I must take into account that I CAN NOT control everything. It is up to God to make the big moves in my life, and I can NOT control what happens sometimes.
The next part of the verse reads, “…for anger abides in the heart of fools.” This relates to how many people who have a short fuse, or a short tolerance for frustration and anger can take something small and blow it out of proportion. This reminds me of a quote I read that claimed, “Wisdom says wait, while emotion says to hurry.” The easier route, in our eyes, is to express what we feel, without thinking about it twice, lashing out on what it made us feel. Though this may seem acceptable to you at the time, it is so much more manageable to take those emotions and reflect on them, venting them out to something productive.
I definitely still struggle with this, for I can yell and cry and express my emotions in such a dramatic way. This was so much easier for me to do, but it never ended very well in the end. I let the emotions I had weigh heavy on my heart, worrying constantly, letting my anxiety run through and through. Since then, I have been able to examine why I am feeling the way I do, put my anger aside, and vent the emotions I have through fitness, journaling, and honestly praying about it. This helps me address issues, while also giving me an outlet to get rid of the anger, sadness, or any frustrations I may have. LEAVE IT TO HIM. It’s all in God’s hands, and he will take care of you.
I hope you took something from today’s post, and I hope that you choose to express those feelings of anger and frustration in a productive, manageable way. The easier route is not always the right one. It may seem easier at the time, but it leads to much more difficult results in the end. It is a lot easier said than done, but I PROMISE that it will benefit you when turning to reflection and turning away from lash outs. Thank you all so much for reading, and I’ll check back in with you tomorrow for a good story haha!