“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Hehe Heyyy! Welcome back to another post:) Today I just wanted to tap into something that we all face at some points in our lives, but the way we handle it can REALLY affect our success. It’s so crazy how much we let fear steer in our lives! If you feel a feeling of uncomfort when you’re trying something new, then that is completely normal. a lot of people experience this feeling when they’re doing something they have not before. I, personally, have always had a problem with letting a little cold feet and nerves get ahead of my priorities.
The verse reads, “The Spirit God does not make us timid…” This beginning part displays that we have the capacity to get rid of fear. Though we can all get nervous sometimes, it is important to remember that we can NOT let it get in the way of everything. Anxiety has been a big part of my life ever since I could remember. I get worried over EVERYTHING; this leads me to overthinking, lip-picking, and even loss of appetite. Though it feels like I cannot control it, I can. God gives me the ability to throw the anxiety out, and let self control in.
“…But gives us power, love, and self discipline.” This last part of the verse portrays qualities that sometimes may be hard to tap into. You are the deciding factor as to whether or not you are going to succeed. You make the big decisions, and you control what you do to make it happen. I know that fresh and new things can be scary to face sometimes, but ultimately, as the verse says, power and self-discipline are God given traits that we have the capability of reaching. He knows that we all experience fear in different ways, but it is up to us as to what we do with it. You can either let it drive you through your obstacles, conquering them; or it can steer you into a path in which success is not at the end of it.
Timidness, as the verse says, is not a God given trait. This is something that resonates within us when we are afraid of failure or hardships. The Lord gives us the strength to choose power. Choosing to ignore the dwelling of worry and anxiety that you bring upon yourself, you can truly block out these negative feelings. In doing this, you can unlock so much more. Opportunities that were once seemingly impossible, become possible. The feeling that you are incapable of difficult things, disappears. You can begin going into obstacles with your head held high, knowing that you are capable of anything you may cross.
I know that it is so much easier said than done, but The Lord gives us self control, love, and power, so that we can grow out of our worries and fears. I, too, have to work on trusting in his work and trusting that though it may be scary, he gives me the capability to dig down and find my control. Really, it’s all you. Everyone has some type of fear, but it is completely up to YOU as to how you handle it. I challenge you to face fear differently; to take that negative energy and use it for good. The amount of possibilities that come out of ridding your timidness and anxiety, are endless. Thank you so much for coming to read today, and I hope you can take something from it! I’ll check back in with you tomorrow:)