“Everything is so cute… I can’t decide what to look at.”
Hehe heyyy:) Thanks for comin’ to read! Though it’s another dreary Monday, I have something that will make your day x10 better…maybe ha. I want to start this off by asking if you have ever entered a store and been like, “Oh my Lanta. This is so cute (sick, boujee, rad, swaggy, whatever adjective you use for cool haha)”? Or maybe there are those certain things that make you just melt or get HYPE. Just recently, actually, I went into this store with handmade fluffy crafts and I swear I said the word “Cute” probably 100 times. It just made my day! A FAB TIP for making a poot of a day into something spicy is snooping for things that make you SUPER EXCITED and hype. I’ll give you some examples of some favorites of mine that get me giddy n’ happy haha!
Lately, the hype that I have been really obsessing over is… seals. Honestly. If you know me personally, I am one of the most random people out there haha. BUT These phat, squishy, blob creatures brighten my day up SO MUCH. Luckily, Instagram provides quality videos of these cuties, and I follow a page specifically displaying them. Watching them in-between writing assignments or homework has been a very good mood booster hehe. THE WAY THEY BOUNCE to move around. The whiskers. The blubber. What’s not to love? I get super happy after watching videos of them haha.
Another prime example of something I will never fail to call “Cute” is giant sweatshirts and or sweatpants. Let’s say you were to have a very, very cold highschool (like me). Sitting there, doing your work, but also SHIVERING is personally not something I enjoy aha. The sweatshirts that are big enough to almost pass your fingertips are my go-to. They are SO cute, and you can never ever have too much of them. Even in the summer weather, these are a must have for me hehe.
Something else that is ultimately random, but also SO CUTE is my fish. As well as the tank he is in ha! I make a point to talk to him here n’ there, making sure he’s thriving:) I have had like 5 beta fishes… unfortunately they have gotten sick most of the time. BUT This one, named Beaux (French for handsome) is a special cutie. Snooping pet stores for fish tank DRIP to even snooping for other fish that might mesh with my beta is a VERY BIG, EXCITING adventure for me haha! If I do not look in person, online fish tank shopping is another cute thing I like to do hehe. He is not in just any fish tank… You prepare yourself!

Honestly, many would say I call everything cute. That is just not the case! Well… it is FACT that a lot of things are cute to me. If you were to count how many times I have used this adjective in my life… I guarantee it would be over 10 million in counting hehe. It’s the little things in life! From the sound of rain, to the caterpillars you can find on the ground mid-spring…there are just so many cute things about this world that you may not recognize. To sum things up, whatever it may be, I encourage you to go out and find something that makes you OVER THE MOON, and make a point to implement it into your day! thanks so much for reading, and I’ll check back in with you Wednesday:)