“Wow. Look at that mean plate of eggs.”

I did not cook this bahaha
Hehe Heyyyy! Welcome back to another blog:))) If you’re looking at the image above and are thinking, “Wow. That looks delectable.” I AM TOO! It was a fabulous grub. My aunt and cousins went down to The Great Southern Cafe in Seaside, Florida only to find this GORG plate of salmon, mashed taters, and FAB crispy green beans. This balsamic salmon along with the sides is easily the best meal I have ever had.
In saying this, I cannot cook anything that looks that beautiful baha, but I CAN make eggs and heat things up. Let’s say you hired me for your personal chef, okay? The following dishes I could prepare for you: Shrimp and pasta, Tacos, Salmon, grilled chicken, breakfast sandwiches, gourmet grilled cheese, and basically anything that does not require too much hand eye coordination! I would definitely be aware that you’d be hiring most likely the clumsiest person on Earth, but I make everything with love n’ decent seasoning ha!
This week especially, I have noticed I have not been cooking as much as I once did. I used to make smoothies on smoothies (ended up blending up the wooden spoon a few times), a ton of breakfast sandwiches for the fam (left the plastic spatula on the pan, creating toxic fumes),and I also used to make these fab bagels with provolone cheese and egg (which the toppings dropped into the bottom of the oven leaving this burning smell in the air for about two hours). I am honestly a mess haha, but the flavors were pretty good! Acknowledging my past dishes, I CAN say I have shifted my diet a lot!
Everyday this week I have made a point to make A BUNCH of carbs and protein. I’m trying to get a PHATTY to be real with you all bahaha. You can find me eating a bunch of eggs with BBQ sauce, english muffins with honey, potatoes, chicken, protein shakes, and anything that can help gain some weight in the areas that need it haha. I could honestly have a much cleaner diet, but for now this is what it looks like!
My cooking skills are so so, but I bet I could spice my food up in a way that is more creative:) I wanna snoop for something more fun, but also still clean. A balance. CUCUMBER WATER seems like a great option hehe. Thanks to JT Sudderth, (fitness profile below), my diet has gone hand in hand with the workouts I do, giving me quicker results, and honestly making me feel a lot more energized! To sum things up, my cooking has altered throughout the years, along with my diet! I encourage you to keep in mind that there can be a balance between yumminess and cleanliness when it comes to your food. Just depends on your goals! Thanks so much for reading, and I’ll catch up with you tomorrow for Storytime:)))
JT’s Instagram- jtgotthatsixpack
He helps with fitness and nutrition needs both! 🙂