This little background story of mine is to get this single point across: Your fear will NEVER be worthy of outweighing failure. Failing, though scary sometimes, is always superior to the fear you have, leading you to not try. Imagine what kind of personal growth you've missed out on, simply because you were afraid! To me, I know that in my lifetime, only being 18 by the way, I have missed out on far too many growing opportunities, just because I was scared I'd fail. Scared of the embarrassment in the beginning. Scared of the criticism. Scared of the unknown. In reality, though, I should have been more steady in my faith. God is always by our side, and will never let us down. He provides reassurance that is on a whole other level than anyone else. He has a BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING plan for each and every one of us. With strong efforts, disciplined minds, and a brave heart, we can truly accomplish what our minds tell us we can't.
In the verse at the top of the post, it reads in regards to the chance of failing, diminishing out the fear that God so easily riddles out when we put our anxiety on him. When we lay our worries aside, and give every ounce of disregard for fear we may have, we are fully capable of failing, still. However, if we fail enough times to learn what not to do and what TO DO, progress begins. We become closer and closer to the goals we thought were impossible. The Lord will reward our bravery and effort with the plans he has for us, carrying out his promise to always have our backs in all we do.
This week, I challenge each of you to asses your goals. Why aren't you there yet? What are you so afraid of? FAILURE is vital to growth. Stepping out of our comfort zones into the unknown is the first step. Until we learn how to set our fears aside, and accept the failure we may meet, we will second guess every step we make, afraid of the unfamiliarity. We will remain in the same place, until we realize that. I hope you all have a very blessed upcoming week, and I encourage you to keep this post in mind when you meet your next challenge!