“You’re always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company.” Diane von furstenburg

Hehe heyyy:) Thanks for coming back to read! Today’s topic can find itself in everyone’s life at some point; self-worth is the most important key in many real-life scenarios. Truly, I have seen countless people experience a bad break up, or something not go their way, and immediately they chase a “Glow up”. A lot of times, unfortunately, we find ourselves doing so much for the appraisal or approval of others. Though it may feel like you have moved on, in reality you may have made those major life changes to make someone else envy you.
In order to actually move on from a tough experience in which you feel rejected, you need to think to yourself, “This really has nothing to do with me, and more about them. The way they treated me is not my fault, but more of a reflection on them.” The only way to move on is to know your worth, not questioning whether or not you were enough. You are! If it was meant to happen, it would. Not everyone was meant to have chemistry with each other and some get along better than others do.
Personally, I, too, have questioned my worth in situations in which people rejected me. I ALWAYS reflected on myself, asking myself what I could have done to make them like me. I looked in the mirror, looked at my body, the imperfections on my face, questioned my personality, assumed I was the problem. Every time! In truth, I have never been able to move past this, until I finally realized the way others treated me was more of a reflection on themselves, rather than something I did or could have been in that moment of time.
I have always had a problem of thinking that I was a burden on others, giving them stress if I were to talk to them about my struggles. If I did elaborate on what bothered me, it had to be someone in which whom I really trusted. I would bottle it up, have cry sessions by myself, and keep it personal. Over time I have learned to open up in truth to those who mean the most to me. Those who would never stop talking to you, stop loving you, or stop acknowledging you EVEN though you do have some imperfections, are those who are meant to be kept around.
So please, today, never assume something is true, just because someone you had once cared for says it is. The only one who truly knows how you feel is you! If you feel like you have been previously rejected, and you need to move on and better yourself, do it for you! No one else should be the key reason as to why you are making those specific steps in your life in order to change or better something. It all starts with you! Know your worth. Thanks for reading today, and I’ll catch up with you this Wednesday! :)))