"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31

Heyyy! Welcome back to another post! I'm so happy you're here. This week's objective might be a little challenging for some of my audience, since I KNOW it's a HUGE challenge for me. I remember when I was in eighth grade, and not a day went by without me worrying about my makeup, my outfit, my hair, ANYTHING related to my physical appearance. HONESTLY, not a MINUTE went by without me messing with myself trying to look more presentable. I grew up always thinking something looked wrong on myself: Whether it be a pimple, my weight, my style, anything you could think of that could impact my looks.
I can't tell you the amount of times my stomach hurt thinking about if my hair looked bad. If my outfit was ugly. If I looked fat. If I looked skinny. Every insecurity would flood in when I was in big crowds, and I'd become somewhat awkward and hard to approach. Luckily, I've found some people who have raised me up enough to make me believe my worth was more than I had thought, so this issue has gotten SIGNIFIGANTLY better. These problems with society thinking the world is constantly judging them, picking them apart, and ultimately hating them-is simply untrue. On the internet, people create false and negative energy towards something they really dislike or disagree with; but, IN PERSON, everyone is actually worrying about themselves. Believe it or not.
It is challenging to grasp sometimes, but NOBODY is staring at you. NOBODY is thinking what you are thinking; they are waaaaay too focused on making a good appearance of themselves. I learned this from experience after experience. I made REAL progress when I started asking myself what God may think when I overload my brain with these self-hating thoughts....and I concluded that he probably doesn't appreciate them. He created the Grand Canyon, the GORGEOUS beaches and the sunsets that come with them. He's created SO much beauty in this world we live in. THE CREATOR of ALL of these BEAUTIFULLY and WONDERFULLY made things, made YOU, too.
So, the next time you think that the world is caving in on you, and is constantly on your back, watching each and every move you may make-just think. Repeat these words to yourself: "I am worthy. I am beautifully and wonderfully made by the same God who created the gorgeous world we live in. I am an asset. People are not looking at me." These words I've had to repeat to myself about 100 times, but they have done SO MUCH good for my confidence. SO DO IT! Believe it! YOU are beautiful. This upcoming week I challenge you to repeat those words I told you about, EVERY SINGLE time a negative, self-hating thought pops up into your brain. I hope it does as much for you as it does for me! I can guarantee it will make you so much more confident in yourself over time. Thank you so much for reading, and I'll check back in with you guys next Friday!